クラウドファイルプロバイダーが実行されていません steam

Please follow these troubleshooting steps to help resolve any network / connection-related issues.

1. Check the status of the Steam servers

First, check to see whether the Steam servers are experiencing any network outages. If there is an outage, check the official Steam Support Twitter page to stay up-to-date on when it is OK to connect again.

2. Ensure other online devices are turned off prior to playing

Internet speeds of 15-20Mbps (Megabits per second) are oftentimes sufficient enough for online gaming. However, homes could have several devices connected to the internet at one time. If the home uses the internet for other things like streaming music, watching movies, and working from home, this can all put a strain on your bandwidth. We recommend ensuring other devices using the internet at home are turned off while playing online.

3. Reboot your PC and refresh your modem and router

Try exiting the game and rebooting your PC, as well as refreshing your modem and router connection by unplugging both devices for a few minutes, then re-plugging the modem, followed by the router. If other devices, such as another PC/Mac or smartphone are also connected and being used on the network, please disconnect or refrain from using them while playing online.

If using a router or CTU with a UPnP function, please confirm whether this function is ON. If it is OFF, please turn it ON and try connecting online again. Please also ensure that packet filtering is turned off on both your router and with your Internet Service Provider.

If there are 2 routers being used, we recommend putting one of these routers in Bridge Mode. For more information on this mode, we recommend consulting your router’s manual.

*If you are unsure of the appropriate setting regarding port opening and UPnP function, please contact your router manufacturer/provider.

Finally, additional PPPoE settings may be required for your modem and/or router. For further details, please check with your Internet Service Provider.

4. If using WiFi, switch to a wired Ethernet connection

A wired Ethernet connection is recommended when playing Monster Hunter Rise online. If you are already connected via Ethernet, try connecting the Ethernet cord from your PC directly to the modem, thereby bypassing your router.

5. Check your Windows Firewall and Anti-virus settings

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue.

Please check here for more details.

6. Check your NAT (Network Address Translation) settings

Issues with connecting to a match online could be related to the NAT settings of your network. Network connections at universities / college dormitories, for example, generally impose some form of strict NAT (Network Address Translation) type which can cause issues with connecting to some online games. If you have strict NAT settings, you may have difficulty connecting to online game servers. We recommend double-checking the NAT settings for your PC to determine which type is set.

PC NAT settings can be found by accessing your modem / router’s menu. For more information on accessing this menu, please contact your modem / router manufacturer.

NAT Type 1 (Open) – You are either not behind a router/firewall or you have DMZ enabled. This NAT type shouldn’t run into any issues while gaming, however this may cause security issues.
NAT Type 2 (Moderate) –Your console is connected properly and you shouldn’t run into any issues.
NAT Type 3 (Strict) – You may be able to connect online and perform downloads/updates but other functions may not work as intended.

7. Forward the necessary ports on your router

If you haven’t yet already, we recommend Steam users forward the following ports on their router. For a handy guide to port-forwarding, please click this link. Please also contact your Internet Service Provider to ensure they are not blocking any of the following ports.

The ports in this Steam guide should be forwarded for Steam users (reposted below).

To log into Steam and download content:

  • HTTP (TCP port 80) and HTTPS (443)
  • UDP 27015 through 27030
  • TCP 27015 through 27030

Steam Client

  • UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive (Game client traffic)
  • UDP 27015 to 27030 inclusive (Typically Matchmaking and HLTV)
  • UDP 27031 and 27036 (incoming, for In-Home Streaming)
  • TCP 27036 and 27037 (incoming, for In-Home Streaming)
  • UDP 4380

Dedicated or Listen Servers

  • TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)

Steamworks P2P Networking and Steam Voice Chat

  • UDP 3478 (Outbound)
  • UDP 4379 (Outbound)
  • UDP 4380 (Outbound)

1. お使いのPCのスペックをご確認ください。

  • Steam のストアページのシステム要件の「最低」を満たしていないと、遊ぶのに支障が出る程度にフレームレートが下がったり、ゲームが起動しない場合がございます。
  • 「最低」を満たしていても「推奨」に満たない場合、グラフィック設定を下げることをお試しください。
  • いくつかのハイエンド統合グラフィックスチップと最新のラップトップ統合GPUは動作するかもしれませんが、テストされていません。これらは、正式にカプコンによってサポートされていません(※例外として「Iris Xe グラフィックス」については、正常に動作することを確認済みです)。デュアルGPU専用グラフィックスカードと内蔵グラフィックプロセッサを搭載したラップトップを使用している場合は、ゲームを起動する前にBIOS設定で内蔵グラフィックを無効にすることをお勧めします。 BIOSへのアクセスに関する詳細は、ノートパソコン/マザーボードの製造元のマニュアルを参照してください。
  • NVIDIAのSLI や AMD (ATI) の Crossfireテクノロジなどのマルチ GPU 設定を使用している場合は、ゲームの動作に問題が生じる可能性があります。ゲームが動作しない場合は、これらの設定の無効化をお試しください。
  • 弊社はシステム要件の「最低」を満たしていない PC に対し、技術サポートを正式に提供いたしかねます。

2. お使いのアンチウイルスソフトに、このゲームに関係しているファイルやフォルダを、除外リスト等に設定してください。


MonsterHunterRise.exe (デフォルトのフォルダ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ MonsterHunterRise )
Steam.exe (デフォルトのフォルダ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam )
Steam AppData (デフォルトのフォルダ C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam )


Windows Defender[]
AVG Antivirus[]
McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
ESET Internetセキュリティ[]
ZERO スーパーセキュリティ[]
ZERO ウィルスセキュリティ[]
PC Matic[]
G DATA Internet Security[]

KINGSOFT Internet Security 2017については、「右上の三本線アイコン→詳細設定→安全保護→除外設定」から設定できます。

*1 マニュアル内、以下のページを参照ください

3. Steam やゲームの実行ファイルに管理者権限を付与してください。

管理者モードで Steam を起動することによりゲームが正しく実行できる場合もあります。
Steam.exe ファイルに対して右クリックして「管理者として実行」をすることにより、Steam を管理者モードで実行できます。


4. お使いのグラフィックボードのドライバーを最新にしてください。

Nvidia のグラフィックボードの最新ドライバーは コチラ[]より入手してください。
AMD のグラフィックボードの最新ドライバーはコチラ[]となります。

あわせて Windows の最新の更新プログラムが適用されていることもご確認ください。


クリーンなグラフィックボードのドライバーのインストールを行うために、Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)[]と呼ばれるサードパーティ提供プログラムを使用される方が多いです。


グラフィックボードのドライバーを更新・インストールが完了したら、必ず Windows を再起動して下さい。

5. グラフィックドライバーの設定、PCの電源設定の確認をして下さい。

一部のハイエンドの統合グラフィックチップと最新のラップトップクラスのディスクリートGPUは動作する可能性がありますが、テストは行われていません。また、カプコンは正式にサポートしていません(※例外として「Iris Xe グラフィックス」については、正常に動作することを確認済みです)。
Intel内蔵グラフィックプロセッサ+ Nvidia専用グラフィックカードなどのデュアルGPUを搭載したラップトップで、内蔵プロセッサが専用グラフィックドライバを無効にしている場合は、追加の設定が必要になることがあります。

・Nvidia / Intel のデュアル GPU をお使いの場合

  1. 最新の Intel 統合ドライバーをインストールしてください。 より入手できます。
  2. PC を再起動します。
  3. Nvidia コントロールパネルを開きます。
  4. 'Manage 3D Settings' をクリックします。
  5. 'Program Settings' を選択し、このゲームを選択します。(リストに無い場合は Add をクリックして手動で登録してください)
  6. 'Power Management Mode' の項目を選択します。
  7. 'Adaptive' から 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ に設定しなおします。
  8. Nvidia コントロールパネルを閉じてゲームを再起動します。

・デュアル AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU をお使いの場合

  1. AMD Catalyst Control Center を開きます。
  2. “Switchable Graphics” から High Performance を選択し、このゲームを選択します。(リストに無い場合は Browse をクリックして手動で登録してください)
  3. Apply をクリックします。
  4. AMD Catalyst Control Center を閉じてゲームを再起動します。

・上記に加えて、以下の手順で、お使いの PC の電源設定をご確認ください。

  1. [ラップトップをお使いの方] 充電機に繋がっていることをご確認ください。
  2. コントロールパネルを開きます。
  3. 「電源オプション」を選択します。
  4. 「高パフォーマンス」を選択します。
  5. ゲームを再起動します。

6. DirectX を更新してください。

コチラ[]から最新の DirectX エンド ユーザー ランタイムをインストールして、完全に最新になっている事を確認してください。

7. Windows Media Player コーデックを更新してください。
一部のWindows SKUでは、Windows Media Playerと動画再生に必要なコーデックがインストールされていない可能性があります。このコーデックがインストールされていないと、ゲームが起動できない恐れがあります。

コチラ[]からMedia Feature Packを入手し、インストールしてください。


Media Feature Pack以外のコーデックにつきましては、Media Foundationで動作しないように設定してください。

8. Steam のゲームキャッシュの検証をしてください。


  1. コンピュータを再起動してSteamを起動してください。
  2. 「ライブラリ」からゲームを右クリックしてメニューから「プロパティ」を選択します。
  3. [ローカルファイル]タブを選択し、[ゲームファイルの整合性を確認...]ボタンをクリックします。
  4. Steamはゲームのファイルを検証します。この処理には数分かかる場合ああります。





(A) PC のスペック

  1. CPU 名とモデル・型番
  2. デスクトップまたはラップトップの名前・モデル
  3. グラフィックカードのモデルと VRAM サイズ
  4. グラフィックドライバーのバージョン
  5. システムメモリサイズ
  6. OS のバージョン (Windows7, 8, 10。64bit か 32 bit か。) Windows Media Playerに付属していないWindows "N"および "K"エディションを実行している場合はその旨を記載してください。
  7. ウイルス対策ソフトウェアの名前とバージョン
  8. あなたのモニターおよび/またはHDTVモデル番号(複数のディスプレイを使用する場合は、すべての製造元とモデル番号を入力してください)
  9. HDMIケーブルのブランドとモデル番号(ある場合)。お使いのHDMIケーブルが4KおよびHDRに準拠しているかどうかを確認してください。
  10. あなたの地域(大陸および/または国)


DxDiagレポートを作成するにはWindowsで「ファイル名を指定して実行」ダイアログを開きます。これは、検索開始に「run」と入力するか、Windowsキーを押しながら「R」を押すことで実行できます。 (どちらの方法もWindows 7、8、8.1、10で動作します。)


DirectX診断ツールウィンドウから、必要な情報が収集されるのを待ってから、[情報をすべて保存]をクリックします。デフォルトで "DxDiag.txt"という名前のテキストファイルを保存するように求められます。このファイルを分かりやすい場所に保存してから、添付してください。



(C) クラッシュレポートが生成された場合は、添付してください。


(D) 発生している現象について、なるべく具体的にお伝えください。



  • ゲームの最低システム要件を満たしていることを確認したのか(トラブルシューティングガイドの手順1をご確認ください)。
  • 問題はいつどこで発生したのか。
  • 問題が発生したとき、キャラクターは何をしていたのか。
  • ゲームを再起動したら、問題は解決したのか。

問題のスクリーンショットやビデオがありましたら、できればDropbox[]、Google Drive[]、またはOneDrive[]にアップしていただき、リンクをご提供ください。

(E) 必ず再現する、あるいは再現頻度が高い場合、詳細な再現手順


1. お使いのPCのスペックをご確認ください。

  • Steam のストアページのシステム要件の「最低」を満たしていないと、遊ぶのに支障が出る程度にフレームレートが下がったり、ゲームが起動しない場合がございます。
  • 「最低」を満たしていても「推奨」に満たない場合、グラフィック設定を下げることをお試しください。
  • いくつかのハイエンド統合グラフィックスチップと最新のラップトップ統合GPUは動作するかもしれませんが、テストされていません。これらは、正式にカプコンによってサポートされていません(※例外として「Iris Xe グラフィックス」については、正常に動作することを確認済みです)。デュアルGPU専用グラフィックスカードと内蔵グラフィックプロセッサを搭載したラップトップを使用している場合は、ゲームを起動する前にBIOS設定で内蔵グラフィックを無効にすることをお勧めします。 BIOSへのアクセスに関する詳細は、ノートパソコン/マザーボードの製造元のマニュアルを参照してください。
  • NVIDIAのSLI や AMD (ATI) の Crossfireテクノロジなどのマルチ GPU 設定を使用している場合は、ゲームの動作に問題が生じる可能性があります。ゲームが動作しない場合は、これらの設定の無効化をお試しください。
  • 弊社はシステム要件の「最低」を満たしていない PC に対し、技術サポートを正式に提供いたしかねます。

2. お使いのアンチウイルスソフトに、このゲームに関係しているファイルやフォルダを、除外リスト等に設定してください。


MonsterHunterRise.exe (デフォルトのフォルダ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ MonsterHunterRise )
Steam.exe (デフォルトのフォルダ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam )
Steam AppData (デフォルトのフォルダ C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam )


Windows Defender[]
AVG Antivirus[]
McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
ESET Internetセキュリティ[]
ZERO スーパーセキュリティ[]
ZERO ウィルスセキュリティ[]
PC Matic[]
G DATA Internet Security[]

KINGSOFT Internet Security 2017については、「右上の三本線アイコン→詳細設定→安全保護→除外設定」から設定できます。

*1 マニュアル内、以下のページを参照ください

3. Steam やゲームの実行ファイルに管理者権限を付与してください。

管理者モードで Steam を起動することによりゲームが正しく実行できる場合もあります。
Steam.exe ファイルに対して右クリックして「管理者として実行」をすることにより、Steam を管理者モードで実行できます。


4. お使いのグラフィックボードのドライバーを最新にしてください。

Nvidia のグラフィックボードの最新ドライバーは コチラ[]より入手してください。
AMD のグラフィックボードの最新ドライバーはコチラ[]となります。

あわせて Windows の最新の更新プログラムが適用されていることもご確認ください。


クリーンなグラフィックボードのドライバーのインストールを行うために、Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)[]と呼ばれるサードパーティ提供プログラムを使用される方が多いです。


グラフィックボードのドライバーを更新・インストールが完了したら、必ず Windows を再起動して下さい。

5. グラフィックドライバーの設定、PCの電源設定の確認をして下さい。

一部のハイエンドの統合グラフィックチップと最新のラップトップクラスのディスクリートGPUは動作する可能性がありますが、テストは行われていません。また、カプコンは正式にサポートしていません(※例外として「Iris Xe グラフィックス」については、正常に動作することを確認済みです)。
Intel内蔵グラフィックプロセッサ+ Nvidia専用グラフィックカードなどのデュアルGPUを搭載したラップトップで、内蔵プロセッサが専用グラフィックドライバを無効にしている場合は、追加の設定が必要になることがあります。

・Nvidia / Intel のデュアル GPU をお使いの場合

  1. 最新の Intel 統合ドライバーをインストールしてください。 より入手できます。
  2. PC を再起動します。
  3. Nvidia コントロールパネルを開きます。
  4. 'Manage 3D Settings' をクリックします。
  5. 'Program Settings' を選択し、このゲームを選択します。(リストに無い場合は Add をクリックして手動で登録してください)
  6. 'Power Management Mode' の項目を選択します。
  7. 'Adaptive' から 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ に設定しなおします。
  8. Nvidia コントロールパネルを閉じてゲームを再起動します。

・デュアル AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU をお使いの場合

  1. AMD Catalyst Control Center を開きます。
  2. “Switchable Graphics” から High Performance を選択し、このゲームを選択します。(リストに無い場合は Browse をクリックして手動で登録してください)
  3. Apply をクリックします。
  4. AMD Catalyst Control Center を閉じてゲームを再起動します。

・上記に加えて、以下の手順で、お使いの PC の電源設定をご確認ください。

  1. [ラップトップをお使いの方] 充電機に繋がっていることをご確認ください。
  2. コントロールパネルを開きます。
  3. 「電源オプション」を選択します。
  4. 「高パフォーマンス」を選択します。
  5. ゲームを再起動します。

6. DirectX を更新してください。

コチラ[]から最新の DirectX エンド ユーザー ランタイムをインストールして、完全に最新になっている事を確認してください。

7. Windows Media Player コーデックを更新してください。

一部のWindows SKUでは、Windows Media Playerと動画再生に必要なコーデックがインストールされていない可能性があります。このコーデックがインストールされていないと、ゲームが起動できない恐れがあります。

コチラ[]からMedia Feature Packを入手し、インストールしてください。


Media Feature Pack以外のコーデックにつきましては、Media Foundationで動作しないように設定してください。

8. Steam のゲームキャッシュの検証をしてください。



  1. コンピュータを再起動してSteamを起動してください。
  2. 「ライブラリ」からゲームを右クリックしてメニューから「プロパティ」を選択します。
  3. [ローカルファイル]タブを選択し、[ゲームファイルの整合性を確認...]ボタンをクリックします。
  4. Steamはゲームのファイルを検証します。この処理には数分かかる場合ああります。





(A) PC のスペック

  1. CPU 名とモデル・型番
  2. デスクトップまたはラップトップの名前・モデル
  3. グラフィックカードのモデルと VRAM サイズ
  4. グラフィックドライバーのバージョン
  5. システムメモリサイズ
  6. OS のバージョン (Windows7, 8, 10。64bit か 32 bit か。) Windows Media Playerに付属していないWindows "N"および "K"エディションを実行している場合はその旨を記載してください。
  7. ウイルス対策ソフトウェアの名前とバージョン
  8. あなたのモニターおよび/またはHDTVモデル番号(複数のディスプレイを使用する場合は、すべての製造元とモデル番号を入力してください)
  9. HDMIケーブルのブランドとモデル番号(ある場合)。お使いのHDMIケーブルが4KおよびHDRに準拠しているかどうかを確認してください。
  10. あなたの地域(大陸および/または国)


DxDiagレポートを作成するにはWindowsで「ファイル名を指定して実行」ダイアログを開きます。これは、検索開始に「run」と入力するか、Windowsキーを押しながら「R」を押すことで実行できます。 (どちらの方法もWindows 7、8、8.1、10で動作します。)


DirectX診断ツールウィンドウから、必要な情報が収集されるのを待ってから、[情報をすべて保存]をクリックします。デフォルトで "DxDiag.txt"という名前のテキストファイルを保存するように求められます。このファイルを分かりやすい場所に保存してから、添付してください。



(C) クラッシュレポートが生成された場合は、添付してください。


(D) 発生している現象について、なるべく具体的にお伝えください。



  • ゲームの最低システム要件を満たしていることを確認したのか(トラブルシューティングガイドの手順1をご確認ください)。
  • 問題はいつどこで発生したのか。
  • 問題が発生したとき、キャラクターは何をしていたのか。
  • ゲームを再起動したら、問題は解決したのか。

問題のスクリーンショットやビデオがありましたら、できればDropbox[]、Google Drive[]、またはOneDrive[]にアップしていただき、リンクをご提供ください。

(E) 必ず再現する、あるいは再現頻度が高い場合、詳細な再現手順


We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying MONSTER HUNTER RISE While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

MonsterHunterRise.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:

  1. Windows Defender[]
  2. Malwarebytes[]
  3. Avast Antivirus[]
  4. AVG Antivirus[]
  5. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
  6. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
  7. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
  8. Bitdefender*[]
  9. ESET[]
  10. Norton[]
  11. Trend Micro[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Bitdefender
  2. Go to the Protection tab
  3. Click “View Feature”
  4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
  5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
  6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
  7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
  5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
  6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
  7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
  8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
  3. Click ‘Apply’
  4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

  1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
  5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
  7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes or unable to launch the game, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack[]. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
  2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

  1. CPU name & model
  2. Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
  3. Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
  4. Video driver version number
  5. System memory size
  6. OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
  7. Anti-virus software name and version
  8. Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
  9. HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
  10. Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:

  1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
  2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
  3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

B) Your Graphics Settings

Your graphics settings for the game can be found in the config.ini file, located in the game’s installation folder. Open the file using a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad and copy and paste the text found inside.

C) If a crash report is generated, please attach it.

Crash reports may be generated when the game crashes.
If crash reports are generated, please send them to us. The folder where the crash report is saved will be displayed when the save is complete.

D) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
Where and when did the issue occur?
What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

F) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for MONSTER HUNTER RISE; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying MONSTER HUNTER RISE While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

MonsterHunterRise.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:

  1. Windows Defender[]
  2. Malwarebytes[]
  3. Avast Antivirus[]
  4. AVG Antivirus[]
  5. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
  6. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
  7. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
  8. Bitdefender*[]
  9. ESET[]
  10. Norton[]
  11. Trend Micro[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Bitdefender
  2. Go to the Protection tab
  3. Click “View Feature”
  4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
  5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
  6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
  7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
  5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
  6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
  7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
  8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
  3. Click ‘Apply’
  4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

  1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
  5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
  7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes or unable to launch the game, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack[]. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
  2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

  1. CPU name & model
  2. Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
  3. Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
  4. Video driver version number
  5. System memory size
  6. OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
  7. Anti-virus software name and version
  8. Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
  9. HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
  10. Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:

  1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
  2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
  3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

B) Your Graphics Settings

Your graphics settings for the game can be found in the config.ini file, located in the game’s installation folder. Open the file using a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad and copy and paste the text found inside.

C) If a crash report is generated, please attach it.

Crash reports may be generated when the game crashes.
If crash reports are generated, please send them to us. The folder where the crash report is saved will be displayed when the save is complete.

D) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
Where and when did the issue occur?
What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

F) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for MONSTER HUNTER RISE; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying MONSTER HUNTER RISE DEMO While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

MonsterHunterRiseDemo.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRiseDemo

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:
1. Windows Defender[]
2. Microsoft Security Essentials[]
3. Malwarebytes[]
4. Avast Antivirus[]
5. AVG Antivirus[]
6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
7. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
8. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
9. Bitdefender*[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open Bitdefender
2. Go to the Protection tab
3. Click “View Feature”
4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

1. Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
2. Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
3. Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
2. Reboot your PC
3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
3. Click ‘Apply’
4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
2. Open Control Panel
3. Select Power Options
4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes or unable to launch the game, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack[]. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

1) CPU name & model
2) Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
3) Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
4) Video driver version number
5) System memory size
6) OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
7) Anti-virus software name and version
8) Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
9) HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
10) Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:
1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

B) Your Graphics Settings

Your graphics settings for the game can be found in the config.ini file, located in the game’s installation folder. Open the file using a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad and copy and paste the text found inside.

C) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

• Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
• Where and when did the issue occur?
• What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
• Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
• Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

D) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for MONSTER HUNTER RISE DEMO; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

The Steam store page of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 will undergo maintenance at

UTC: Aug 30, 1:00am - 2:30am

During this period, some of the DLC will not be available for purchase. We apologize for any inconveniences this might cause, and thank you for your support.

Hi all,

We are aware that some players may have had issues receiving their Trading Cards for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. The issue should now be resolved, and players should be able properly receive their Trading Cards.

Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused!

Best Regards,

Capcom USA Customer Support

We've set up a dedicated technical troubleshooting / issue reporting thread and Technical Help / Support forum linked below. In the event you are experiencing any technical issues, please proceed to the Issue Reporting Thread and try the steps outlined in the initial post.

If the steps outlined in the Issue Reporting Thread do not resolve the issue, please post the details of your issue there.

Please note technical support threads made in General Discussions will be moved to the Technical Help / Support sub forum.

  • Official The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Troubleshooting & Issue Reporting Thread
  • Technical Help / Support Sub Forum

We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles! While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already. Please note that most graphical settings changes require the game to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

TGAAC.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TGAAC

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:

  1. Windows Defender[]
  2. Microsoft Security Essentials[]
  3. Malwarebytes[]
  4. Avast Antivirus[]
  5. AVG Antivirus[]
  6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
  7. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
  8. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
  9. Bitdefender*[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Bitdefender
  2. Go to the Protection tab
  3. Click “View Feature”
  4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
  5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
  6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
  7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

  1. Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
  2. Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
  3. Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
  5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
  6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
  7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
  8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
  3. Click ‘Apply’
  4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

  1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
  5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
  7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from the link below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
  2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

1) CPU name & model
2) Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
3) Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
4) Video driver version number
5) System memory size
6) OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
7) Anti-virus software name and version
8) Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
9) HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
10) Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:

  1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
  2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
  3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

C) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

  • Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
  • Where and when did the issue occur?
  • What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
  • Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
  • Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

D) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

We've set up a dedicated technical troubleshooting / issue reporting thread and Technical Help / Support forum linked below. In the event you are experiencing any technical issues, please proceed to the Issue Reporting Thread and try the steps outlined in the initial post.

If the steps outlined in the Issue Reporting Thread do not resolve the issue, please post the details of your issue there.

Please note technical support threads made in General Discussions will be moved to the Technical Help / Support sub forum.

  • Official Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Troubleshooting & Issue Reporting Thread
  • Technical Help / Support Sub Forum

We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin! While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already. Please note that most graphical settings changes require the game to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

game.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter Stories 2

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:

  1. Windows Defender[]
  2. Microsoft Security Essentials[]
  3. Malwarebytes[]
  4. Avast Antivirus[]
  5. AVG Antivirus[]
  6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
  7. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
  8. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
  9. Bitdefender*[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Bitdefender
  2. Go to the Protection tab
  3. Click “View Feature”
  4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
  5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
  6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
  7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

  1. Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
  2. Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
  3. Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
  5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
  6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
  7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
  8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
  3. Click ‘Apply’
  4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

  1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
  5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
  7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from the link below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
  2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

1) CPU name & model
2) Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
3) Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
4) Video driver version number
5) System memory size
6) OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
7) Anti-virus software name and version
8) Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
9) HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
10) Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:

  1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
  2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
  3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

B) Your Graphics Settings

Your graphics settings for the game can be found in the config.ini file, located in the game’s installation folder. Open the file using a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad and copy and paste the text found inside.

C) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

  • Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
  • Where and when did the issue occur?
  • What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
  • Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
  • Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

D) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying Capcom Arcade Stadium shortly! While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already. Please note that most graphical settings changes require the game to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

CapcomArcadeStadium.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Capcom Arcade Stadium

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:

  1. Windows Defender[]
  2. Microsoft Security Essentials[]
  3. Malwarebytes[]
  4. Avast Antivirus[]
  5. AVG Antivirus[]
  6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
  7. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
  8. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
  9. Bitdefender*[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Bitdefender
  2. Go to the Protection tab
  3. Click “View Feature”
  4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
  5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
  6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
  7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

  1. Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
  2. Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
  3. Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
  5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
  6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
  7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
  8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
  3. Click ‘Apply’
  4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

  1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
  5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
  7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from the link below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from the link below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
  2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

1) CPU name & model
2) Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
3) Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
4) Video driver version number
5) System memory size
6) OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
7) Anti-virus software name and version
8) Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
9) HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
10) Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:

  1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
  2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
  3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

B) Your Graphics Settings

Your graphics settings for the game can be found in the config.ini file, located in the game’s installation folder. Open the file using a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad and copy and paste the text found inside.

C) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

  • Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
  • Where and when did the issue occur?
  • What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
  • Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
  • Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

D) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for Capcom Arcade Stadium; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

We've set up a dedicated technical troubleshooting / issue reporting thread and Technical Help / Support forum linked below. In the event you are experiencing any technical issues, please proceed to the Issue Reporting Thread and try the steps outlined in the initial post.

If the steps outlined in the Issue Reporting Thread do not resolve the issue, please post the details of your issue there.

Please note technical support threads made in General Discussions will be moved to the Technical Help / Support sub forum.

  • Official Resident Evil Village Troubleshooting & Issue Reporting Thread
  • Technical Help / Support Sub Forum

We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying Resident Evil Village / BIOHAZARD VILLAGE shortly! While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already. Please note that most graphical settings changes require the game to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

re8.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Resident Evil Village BIOHAZARD VILLAGE

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:

  1. Windows Defender[]
  2. Microsoft Security Essentials[]
  3. Malwarebytes[]
  4. Avast Antivirus[]
  5. AVG Antivirus[]
  6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
  7. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
  8. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
  9. Bitdefender*[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Bitdefender
  2. Go to the Protection tab
  3. Click “View Feature”
  4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
  5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
  6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
  7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

  1. Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
  2. Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
  3. Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
  5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
  6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
  7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
  8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
  3. Click ‘Apply’
  4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

  1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
  5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
  7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from the link below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
  2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

1) CPU name & model
2) Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
3) Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
4) Video driver version number
5) System memory size
6) OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
7) Anti-virus software name and version
8) Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
9) HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
10) Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:

  1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
  2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
  3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

B) Your Graphics Settings

Your graphics settings for the game can be found in the config.ini file, located in the game’s installation folder. Open the file using a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad and copy and paste the text found inside.

C) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

  • Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
  • Where and when did the issue occur?
  • What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
  • Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
  • Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

D) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for Resident Evil Village / BIOHAZARD VILLAGE; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

During this Free Trial, the 24 characters that released after the original SFV version can only be played in these modes: Ranked Match, Casual Match, Battle Lounge, Training, Trials, Demonstrations.

We've set up a dedicated technical troubleshooting / issue reporting thread and Technical Help / Support forum linked below. In the event you are experiencing any technical issues, please proceed to the Issue Reporting Thread and try the steps outlined in the initial post.

If the steps outlined in the Issue Reporting Thread do not resolve the issue, please post the details of your issue there.

Please note technical support threads made in General Discussions will be moved to the Technical Help / Support sub forum.

  • Official RE3 Troubleshooting & Issue Reporting Thread
  • Technical Help / Support Sub Forum

We hope you’re all enjoying or will be enjoying Resident Evil 3 / BIOHAZARD RE:3 shortly! While we hope all of our fans will have a great time with the game, there will always be some cases here and there where the game may not function correctly under certain environments and / or hardware combinations.

We’ve set up this troubleshooting and feedback thread for you all to share any technical issues you may be having with the game.

Before providing any reports, please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files:

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the game’s system requirements

Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the game, outlined on the bottom of the game’s Steam Store page; if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, this may result in poor framerate, or the game not running.

If you do meet the minimum specifications but not the recommended specifications, you may want to try turning down the graphics settings, if you haven't already. Please note that most graphical settings changes require the game to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

Some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop integrated GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. If you’re using a laptop with a dual GPU dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics processor, we recommend disabling your integrated graphics via the BIOS settings prior to launching the game. For more information on accessing your BIOS, please see your laptop/motherboard manufacturer manual.

If you’re using a multi-GPU setup such as NVIDIA’s SLI or ATI’s Crossfire technologies, we recommend experimenting with disabling these settings, as they may cause compatibility issues with the game.

Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that do not meet the official, minimum system requirements.

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

Some launching issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add all of the following files and folders to the Anti-virus and Firewall exclusion list to prevent this issue. If these files and folders were already added previously, try removing them from the exclusion list and re-adding them.

Note: To quickly access the following folders, press Windows Key + R then copy and paste the folder URL below.

re3.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RE3

REResistance.exe Default Location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL RESISTANCE

Steam.exe Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Steam AppData Default Location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Steam

For a guide on adding exceptions to your anti-virus software, please visit one of the following links:

  1. Windows Defender[]
  2. Microsoft Security Essentials[]
  3. Malwarebytes[]
  4. Avast Antivirus[]
  5. AVG Antivirus[]
  6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus[]
  7. Webroot SecureAnywhere[]
  8. McAfee Antivirus (Steam Support guide)
  9. Bitdefender*[]

*For Bitdefender, you will need to also add the game’s .exe file to the program’s Whitelist. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Bitdefender
  2. Go to the Protection tab
  3. Click “View Feature”
  4. Click the gear icon inside the “Advanced Thread Defense” box
  5. Select “Add applications to the whitelist”
  6. Browse and navigate to the .exe file
  7. Once the .exe file is added, close Bitdefender and relaunch the game

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

Some users can get the game running properly by running Steam.exe in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator.” If that doesn’t work, try running the game’s .exe file in administrator mode as well.

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

Try updating your video card drivers, as oftentimes outdated drivers can cause a variety of issues ranging anywhere from in-game graphical problems, to the game not starting, and more.

For the latest Nvidia drivers, click here[].
For the latest AMD drivers, click here[].

Additionally, please ensure that Windows Update has been run and that all the latest updates have been installed on your operating system.

If you still experience issues, you may want to try performing a clean installation of the video driver set. This will remove any extraneous driver DLL files or game profiles that existed with the previous driver installation.

To do a clean video driver install, many enthusiasts use a third-party program called Display Driver Uninstaller[] (DDU), which completely removes components that were part of the original driver installation package.

  1. Run DDU and uninstall old video driver.
  2. Install the latest OEM video card driver and reboot your PC.
  3. Run the latest DirectX installer package[] and reboot your PC.

IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to reboot Windows upon completing a video driver installation. This will help reinitialize the driver and the graphics card using the new driver.

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

To reiterate, some high end integrated graphics chips and modern laptop class discrete GPUs may work, but have not been tested, nor are they officially supported by Capcom. Laptops with dual GPUs, such as an Intel Integrated Graphics Processor + Nvidia Dedicated Graphics Card, may need additional configuration in the event the integrated processor is overriding the dedicated graphics drivers.

If using a dual Nvidia / Intel GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest Intel integrated drivers[]
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  4. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'
  5. Go to 'Program Settings' and then select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Add')
  6. Scroll down to 'Power Management Mode'
  7. Set it to 'Prefer Maximum Performance' / ‘High Performance Processor’ instead of 'Adaptive'
  8. Close Nvidia Control Panel and launch the game

If using a dual AMD “Switchable Graphics” GPU, follow these steps:

  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Under “Switchable Graphics”, select the High Performance section and select the game (if it is not in the list you can add it manually by clicking 'Browse')
  3. Click ‘Apply’
  4. Close AMD Catalyst Control Center and launch the game

Additionally, double-check your desktop / laptop’s power settings by performing the following:

  1. If using a laptop, ensure the charger is connected
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Select Power Options
  4. Select “Change Plan Settings”
  5. Select “Change advanced power settings”
  6. From within the dropdown menu, select “High performance” and click ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’
  7. Launch the game

6. Update DirectX

We recommend downloading and running the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer[] to ensure DirectX is fully up to date.

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from the link below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Try verifying the game's cache in Steam. You can do so by following the steps outlined in this Steam support article (reposted below). This may find missing or damaged files that need to be repaired, even if you've just installed the game. You may also try temporarily disabling your anti-virus while verifying the cache or launching the game, as on occasion anti-virus programs may flag games or the files necessary to play them as a virus.

To verify the game’s cache, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer and launch Steam
  2. From the “Library” section, right-click on the game and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Select the “Local files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files...” button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

This process allows the Steam client to scan every single file you downloaded for this game, verify checksum of each, and compare that against the file manifest data on Steam's content server. If the file is missing or has a different checksum value, you will receive a message stating "X files failed to validate and will be reacquired." What this means is that some files have either been deleted, or may have been corrupted. Click “Close,” and Steam will automatically download and / or replace the problematic files.

If you still experience visual / audio-related issues or crashes, please provide the detailed information below.

A) Your System Specs

1) CPU name & model
2) Name / model of the desktop or laptop (if available)
3) Graphics card / chip model and the amount of VRAM
4) Video driver version number
5) System memory size
6) OS version (Windows 7, 8, 10, 64-bit/32-bit, etc. Please make special note in your specs if you are running Windows "N" and "K" editions that do not come with Windows Media Player.)
7) Anti-virus software name and version
8) Your monitor and/or HDTV model number (if using multiple displays, please provide all make and model numbers)
9) HDMI cable brand and model number (if available). Please confirm whether your HDMI cable is certified or compatible with 4K and HDR.
10) Your region (continent and/or country)

A good deal of this information, such as the graphics card model and VRAM, are available by running a DxDiag report.

To create a DxDiag report:

  1. Open a "Run" dialog in Windows. This can either be done by typing "run" into Start Search, or by holding the Windows key and pressing "R." (Either method works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.)
  2. Type "dxdiag" (with or without quotes) into the box that comes up.
  3. From the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, wait for the tool to gather the information it needs, then click "Save All Information..." which will ask you to save a text file, named "DxDiag.txt" by default. Save this file somewhere where it will be easy to find, then attach it in your response.

B) Your Graphics Settings

Your graphics settings for the game can be found in the re3_config.ini file, located in the game’s installation folder. Open the file using a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad and copy and paste the text found inside.

C) Give as many details about your issue as possible

Please share your specific issue and the location(s) where you’re experiencing the issues – for example, if you’re having problems with the framerate, is it happening constantly, or is it during certain modes, during gameplay, etc.? The following information can greatly help as well:

  • Have you confirmed you’ve met at least the minimum system requirements for the game (See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting Guide)?
  • Where and when did the issue occur?
  • What were the character(s) doing when this issue occurred?
  • Did the issue resolve itself when you rebooted the game?
  • Please also attach any screenshots or video of your issue, preferably via a Dropbox[], Google Drive[], or OneDrive[] link.

D) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible

The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the error can be attempted to be reproduced and investigated.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Best Regards,

Capcom Customer Support

Please note that this thread is only for posting issues with the game and specifications for Resident Evil 3 / BIOHAZARD RE:3; in the interest of staying on-topic, any extraneous discussion or derailment may be removed.

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from one of the links below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.

Certain cutscene segments use video playback which relies on Windows' default Media Player codec.

If you're experiencing video playback issues during cutscenes, please try installing Microsoft's Media Feature Pack from the link below. Certain Windows editions, particularly in EU territories and Korea, may not have Windows Media Player and its codec preinstalled.

Windows 8 or newer:

Windows 7 series:

If you have separately installed another codec, there may be compatibility issues with certain video codec which may cause video corruption issues during gameplay. If you're using a different codec besides Media Feature Pack, please ensure the codec is configured so it does not run under Media Foundation.